domingo, 21 de setembro de 2014

British and Brazilian habits


       Brazilians are known for their healthy habits and lifestyle. Long runs on the beach's sidewalk, bicycling on the park on a sunday morning and eating and drinking tropical foods and drinks. But are these exercises all true to the brazilian people? Well, some brazilians really live like this, reaching an age like 60 years old looking 40 with the heart conditions of a child. But some brazilians do quite the opposite. 
        When it comes to an awful lifestyle filled with fast-food and sedentarism, some people can enjoy the most of it. Teenagers mostly, can live in a way that doctors would never recommend. Eating fast food at least 2 times a week, never practicing exercises (except for the walk some take from the bedroom to the bathroom and vice-versa) and sometimes even drinking and smoking on an age where the body is still being "developed". 
        This last one is a problem that is in many teenagers' lives, and the prohibition of cigarette and alcohol consumption is almost being forgotten by the government that cares mostly about the money those teens spend on those drugs.


     England is the 6th country with most obesity rate, being United States the one with the highest rate. It is predicted that in the year 2020 at least one third of the British population will be obese. That is quite an alarming statement, considering that it is not very distant. 
     The british food and exercise habits have been exposed for years by TV shows such as Jamie Oliver. He can be considered a true savior since he changed the food catalogue on many schools in UK and taught the young students how to have the best lifestyle possible. His plan is to make the entire UK's population conscious about what they eat and what it does to their body.
     Of course there are people who are different from the majority. The bicycle is a mean of locomotion that is used by many british people as an alternative to the car, that polutes the air and helps sedentarism to become something predominant on people's lives.